Jenna & Azael
Tulsa, Oklahoma
September 29
Our Story...
As Azael and Jenna prepare to celebrate their marriage on September 29th 2013, here is a look back at the path that led them to this day. They are filled with gratitude and awe as God’s faithfulness is evident each step of the way.
First Sight:
In 2010, Azael and Jenna both were both called to spend the summer in Wildwood New Jersey; Azael to live in intentional Christian community, and Jenna to use her gift as as sign language interpreter to serve God and college students. Jenna and Azael spent 10 weeks together, experiencing every aspect of Cru’s Summer Project through each other's eyes, but maintained strong personal boundaries since Jenna was there to interpret, not participate. Jenna was drawn immediately to Azael and his character and struggled to keep this professional boundary, but Azael pushed back as he didn't usually "befriend” his interpreters. This was part of God’s perfect plan. It wasn’t His timing for them to “find each other” yet. He was still preparing their hearts.
In His goodness, the following summer God called them both back to Wildwood, Azael in a leadership role, and Jenna to interpret for him and another Deaf college student. This summer allowed their friendship to grow. Though they didn't say anything to each other, they each wondered about the possibility of more. By now Jenna knew she loved Azael, but he wasn’t quite there yet. God was calling him to Honduras to work as a teacher of the Deaf.
Walking in Faith:
God used the following year to grow and mature each of them individually. As Azael was in Honduras, Jenna found herself in a place of waiting on God, asking for peace and practicing patience. They kept in touch, exchanging emails and spending time on Google chat. They were becoming close friends, and a few comments Azael made left Jenna wondering if Azael had feelings for her as well. She was committed to waiting for him to make his intentions clear in his own time, no matter how badly she wanted to rush things. Of course God was working in Azael’s heart. When he imagined his life with someone, he imagined that person being like Jenna… and God told him it should be Jenna. While he lived in Honduras, he continued to carefully pursue a friendship with her.
When Azael planned to returned from Honduras to Florida for a 3 day weekend in the spring of 2012 to share at a fundraiser for Links Of Hope, he casually mentioned to Jenna that she should come to Florida for the event. God had made it clear to him that he should now pursue a relationship, and he hoped she would agree to come. In the meantime, Jenna had mixed feelings about taking the trip to Florida without knowing how Azael really felt. Would she be crazy to go? Was this setting herself up for disappointment? She was flying all this way to see a boy she cared deeply about, but had no assurance about his feelings. Azael had been casual about the invitation, but mentioned it several times and was even slightly insistent. In the end Jenna decided that it was worth the risk and with Azael’s further encouragement, booked a flight to go.
He loves me...? He loves me!
After a day or so in Florida, Azael acted on his plans and took Jenna aside. He gave her three beautiful roses made of ribbon and expressed his feelings for her. He told her how much he valued her friendship, and asked if she would be willing to let him pursue her in an intentional relationship. Azael offered Jenna time to think about it, but after all the conversations she’d already had with God about him, she knew right away and without a doubt that she wanted to be with Azael. The remaining day and a half were full of fun, flirting, and figuring out what their long distance relationship would look like, since Azael was going back to Honduras, and Jenna was living in Oklahoma. So, 26 hours after deciding to start dating, they flew their seperate ways not knowing when they would see each other again...
As they began their dating relationship, it became clear that God was planning for them to be together. Long distance was hard, and though Azael felt called to Honduras, God made it clear that Azael should move to Oklahoma. Jenna was getting weary of “dating a computer screen” and when Azael stepped out in faith and made the move to Oklahoma their relationship flourished. This was such gracious affirmation.
A wife of noble character:
The day after their 11 month dating anniversary, on March 30th 2013, Azael took Jenna on a fun date that ended at a bookstore. They shared a love for books, so Jenna thought nothing of it. Azael had a plan, and carefully guided her toward the Spanish section. Taking “la Biblia en Espanol” off the shelf, he “flipped through” to Proverbs 12:4a. He asked Jenna- who has been learning some Spanish- if she knew what it said. "La mujer noble es corona de su esposo".. she fumbled through translating it, so Azael explained that it meant “A wife of noble character is her husband's crown”... It slowly dawned on Jenna what was happening. Azael got down on one knee and asked Jenna to be his crown.
Now Azael and Jenna are walking into marriage the same way they walked into friendship; serving God and each other. They spent this past summer of 2013 again in Wildwood, NJ. This time, during their 10 weeks in Wildwood, they were free to be intentional, and prioritize sacrificially serving one another in love as an investment in their future. Serving has been the foundation of their relationship, and for the glory of God, will continue to be the strongest thread of their lives.